
Why Angle Shooting In Poker Can Be A Mistake 

 January 25, 2023

Over the years, angle shooting in poker has been a subject of constant debate. After all, there is never a clear definition – or a thin line – that differentiates what is an angle shoot and what is not. This guide will explain what an angle shoot is, different examples, and why it should not be accepted


What is an Angle Shoot in Poker?

Angle shooting in poker occurs anytime a player acts to benefit themselves. This can either happen by breaking the rule of the game or by deceiving other players. While the former is clearly wrong, it can be very difficult to prove that the latter is an illegal practice.

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After all, what makes poker more interesting is the ability to deceive your opponents. Your ability to bluff, conceal your emotions, or read your opponents are some of the variables in the game you must be able to control to achieve a good result.


This ensures that the definition of angle shoot can be reasonably fluid. While some may agree on what is not an angle shoot, others may find it so. This and many more factors make the topic a very controversial topic.


There are different kinds of angle shoots. Yet, the importance of fair play in casino gambling is essential (which is why many brick-and-mortar casinos disallow card counting). As a result, certain angle shoots are mistakes that must never be encouraged.

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Hiding big chips, string betting, pump fakes, and lying are some unethical ways of trying to gain an advantage over your opponents.



Is Angle Shooting Bad?

Based on the different definitions and examples of  angle shooting, the answer to this question is it depends.  There are two factors that this depends on which includes;


The specific angle shoot  and


The rules of the site or card room


To make angle shooting Fall within the rules,  the card room needs to draft their  rules clearly. A arranged set of rules will point out what is valid and what is not with the  game floor  making the final decision.

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Different Types of Angle Shoots

Some common kinds of angle shoots are discussed as follows:

String Betting

This is an angle that involves someone placing bets in different motions. For instance, a player throws at $25 and then sees their opponent reach for more chips. Then, they quickly add more money in to make them call a bigger amount.


This player is faking the wager amount to gather extra information to know how willing their opponent is to call. This makes it against the game rules.

Fake Misclicks

This term is used to describe when an opponent makes a mistake in their wager amount. Players can be willing to use wrong bet amounts or denominations to goad their opponents into raising or calling significantly large bets.

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Regardless of the level of intricacies of deception in the game, lying to your opponents about your bet amount is a wrong move that any casino platform will never allow. That goes against fair gameplay.


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Hiding Big Chips

Even though they may not be clear, there are certain lines that must never be crossed in poker. An example of this is trying to hide big chips. In poker, you must have all your chips on the table and clearly visible to other players. Your opponent will have a false idea of your stack size when you hide a number of big chips. This unethical practice involves you trying to lie to players about the amount you are playing for.

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How do you respond to an Angle Shoot?

Certain steps can be taken if a player tries to angle-shoot you:

  • Tell them they’ve done something wrong.
  • They must also know why it is unacceptable.
  • Call the attention of the dealer to the unethical act.
  • If necessary, ensure that the floor manager is aware.



Consequences of  Angle Shooting

When an angle shoot is against the rules, a wide range of penalties  will become open on the floor. The different  penalties include  missing multiple rotations or missing multiple hands. You can even be disqualified and ejected from the site or casino.


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How To Avoid Angle Shooting?

No one intentionally angle shoots opponents during a game except they are experienced. To avoid angle shooting any player, you have to think about about your decisions carefully  before you make them.


You can avoid angle shooting by being sure of your actions. Verbal declarations are binding in most card rooms.  If you’re not sure of your hand signals, make a verbal declaration..



While deception is popular in poker, certain lines must not be crossed. Angle shooting your opponent is a big mistake you must not consider. After all, fair gameplay is important in poker.

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