
The Five Benefits of Using Schneider Distribution Boards 

 October 20, 2022

Schneider distribution boards are an incredibly convenient way to make electrical connections throughout your home. They’re so easy to use that they’re quickly becoming the preferred method of many homeowners and electricians alike! Here are just five benefits of using Schneider distribution boards in your home

Easy installation

Schneider’s Distribution Boards are easy to install. All you need is a screwdriver, and the board will be installed in minutes. Installation requires no special tools or skills and can be done by anyone.

The boards come with two mounting holes, which makes them easy to attach to the wall or ceiling, so they are ready for use as soon as they are installed.

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Increased Safety

Schneider Electric’s distribution boards are safer than traditional distribution boards because they don’t create sparks, which can lead to electrical fires.

Plus, these boards have a locking device that is designed to prevent the board from being opened by an electrician when the power is on. This eliminates the risk of electrocution or accidental contact with high-voltage electricity.

Optimum power quality

Schneider’s distribution boards provide optimum power quality. With the right breaker and fusing, there is no worry about overloading and damaging your equipment.

The boards also come with an integral ground fault current interrupter that shuts down the power if there is a ground fault to protect against electric shocks.


Increased system reliability

Schneider distribution boards are designed to increase system reliability by ensuring that the power supply is not interrupted during a power surge.

It does this by incorporating a circuit breaker into the board, so if there is an issue with the electricity flow, it will automatically shut off and prevent any type of fire hazard.

This feature also ensures that your home or office is safe from any type of damage caused by voltage surges. When designing these boards, they are made to regulate voltage fluctuations to keep them at a constant level.

Simplified wiring design

Schneider distribution boards are designed to simplify wiring in a home’s electrical system. They are used to break up circuits and reduce the number of outlets needed for single devices.

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They also simplify the wiring process by eliminating the need for junction boxes or other fittings. In addition, it is easier to change the configuration of the board by simply swapping out parts rather than completely rewiring a house or apartment.

There are many benefits to using a Schneider distribution board in your home, including simplifying your electrical system, making it easy to move devices around without having to rewire them and helping you get electricity in areas that may be hard to reach with traditional wiring.


Schneider Distribution boards offer multiple benefits that can help you get the most out of your electrical distribution system, and Schneider offers various boards to suit specific needs. This article describes the five biggest advantages of using distribution boards, including increased safety, reduced risk of fire, improved efficiency and power management, and easier maintenance and troubleshooting.

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